Re: Even Now...God is Love
It is not surprising that you find mistakes. So do many and even the Jews during the time of Jesus found so many, especially the practical part of it presented by the Lord Himself. If there is no controversy about the truths in the Bible then why so much of opposition? Denominations, doctrines, discourses, etc. More people dispute the accuracy of the Bible, even the times of it. For example, did Moses write all the five books of the Torah? And if so, how could his death also be included? Who wrote Job? What about, the early life when the daughters of earth married the sons of heaven? What about the book of Revelation which has so many versions and confusion? What about the concept of salvation in the Old Testament, where faith was not mentioned after all! Then there are so many new theories like the salvation Lordship, salvation by faith, salvation by rebirth and salvation by works and faith! The problem of sin, pain and judgment. The fate of children dying young. The preached sinner. The significance of the land of Israel, the promises particularly to the nation of Isreal,etc.
There are a few observations never the less. Firstly, the truths of the bible have to be made clear by the Holy Spirit with out which it is highly inaccurate! Secondly, it transcends the natural world and explains spiritual things using objective presentations. Thirdly, it translates the very mind of God on many things that pertain to us and requires foremost a surrender of one's will to His majesty.
Bible is not meant for all but to those who whish to have the righteousness of Jesus Christ imparted in us. If we try to execute its truth in practical applications we only endue becoming a hypocrite. It requires a complete subjugation of will and opening of our mind of what might be true.
For example, I was wondering why does the wonderful God have to use pain to deal with us, especially the true Christian. Is it not the same tool the devil uses? After many months of study I realized that along with many truths presented by many Spirit filled preachers -- because we live in a sinful world, to catch out attention, to deal with our pride, to make us come to a place where he can deal or reward us, etc. I also realized that we who are born again have the spirit of Jesus but the body of Adam. The Spirit works well only when the body is subjugated. And so the pain.
Also, why does the awesome Lord do miracles openly as He did when He was alive on this earth? I am a natural seeker by reason or one who wants to know the reason before acceptance of the truth. I struggled why wasn't the Lord healing me when I was hurting and almost dying, when he healed so many without a fuss? I used to walk out of my house into an unsafe area hoping something physical would happen to me so that there would be an immediate attention from the Lord. Nothing happened to even after I would rush into ongoing traffic at 1 am. Unable to work, lost my self worth, no money (was afraid to spend $5.00 for a meal), no health insurance, no means of income --- all happening within months of accepting Jesus chrisms righteousness and giving up my good nature. But only recently did I get some new insight into the nature of miracles that Jesus performs.
Now, when a miracle is performed and is available objectively to all-- righteous and unrighteous alike, its value is of attraction not much of dealing with an issue. If Jesus were to appear in His glory to us, who would resist Him to be the Lord and King? None, but if He presented himself subjectively to the righteous then something different happens. Now, when something objective happens a person has to work towards achieving it- a little explanation here. We know that when the lord of the Universe was hanging on the cross, people did not know that he was not subject to death unless by the peculiar task of saving us was taken upon by him. People saw it and had their own conclusions of the same. Even the disciples had different truths expressed in their minds. But that was objective!
Now, on the other hand when He does miracle in the lives of the righteous, that truth of it manifests in the way that He intends and most of all, the reality of it becomes internalized!
I would consider that it is highly statutory that one has to be explained by the Holy Spirit itself -- Read 1st Cor,2nd chap. This removes hinderences generated from using natural power or abilites.