I read the discussion with keen intrest. I belive that it would be a gross mistake for George Bush to claim he is a Born again Christian. The terminology does not fit him. Professing Christian, or some denominational christian or something else is ok but a claim of being a Born again Christian means that the very same life of the awsome lord Jesus Christ now flows in Bush is a lie and all christians living by the Holy spirit would agree without much discussion. But as a bron again christian some of the scriptural misquotes are appaling as well especially, the "Judge not for ye sheall be judge". I cannot recollect where in scriptures it is written that "the rightious is not under judgment but will judge other to discrearn the unrightious". The verse "Judge not...." intented to convey that no one is capable of judging another for all have sinned, therefore, are subjected to judgement and not become the judge. Most Bible reading christians know that Lord Jesus christ, would judge the Pharascees and others. So did the disciples and Paul many times when he would say some thing good about Timoty or talk of prevailing sins in the Chorinthian church etc. Now the verse ment most closely that we should not condemn anyone for we are a part of the very condemnded until the saving grace of Jesus saved us. But we will for ever spiritually discerning actions of other and admonshing the effects thereof.