to: 12321
Actually, the whole point of my post here was not political, but pertaining to whether or not Bush exhibits Christian values. Re-read the first post on this thread, and try not to get sidetracked by the projections, misinterpretations and perceptions of others. It was written by a Christian woman who cannot reconcile how she and Bush could possibly be following the same Jesus. It belongs on the Christian Debate forum, to question if the BEHAVIOR is authentically Christian or a lie/facade. All of my other posts pertaining to Bush are on the Politics or
Conspiracy forums, but this one was about CHRISTIAN values and behavior so I posted it here!
And your posts speaks of "His will" (God's will). For me, God's will is always Truth, for the "truth shall set you free"! In my own little way, my posts are offering what I see as Truth, even though some choose to deny it. That is their choice and I respect it, but I need to speak it. There have been enough denials and coverups. The most powerful man in the world needs to be accountable, and on this forum specifically, for his un-Christian behavior even though he touts being Christian.
I appreciate the gentle tone of your post, but I do not live in "fear of God" but in His Love.
Speaking up does not always make one popular.