Re: Number assignments for letters
Hi Elly!
Taking on a married name does mean you change your vibrations. It's one of the reasons women tend to be more flexible than men, or maybe the custom became that way because we simply ARE more flexible than men. ;) In most matrilineal societies (inheritance thru female descendants) the names were much more likely to be something like "Sonja Larsdaughter" or "Bjork Lars'son" so tracing one's lineage was a hoot!
What you want to do is compare the new total name vibration to the life lesson number. Ideally, the destiny (name) should equal the life lesson number (total birthdate). That way, cycles, trends, lessons, fate, all match up with your destiny more fluidly. If you can't have them be equal, then they should at least work well together. So that's what you want to take a look at, your total name with and without your maiden name in comparison to your life lesson number to find out why the vibration change didn't work for you.
Was the new name equal to one of your challenge numbers? That would certainly add more pressure!
A 5+5 is certainly more individual and leader-like than 11/2. It's much easier to be a loner when you have 1's in your chart. 5's are also one of the most difficult numbers because they're all about change. As soon as you change your thoughts, your energy field changes, and friends that don't resonate with taht energy just stop calling.
My birth month is January, first letter S/1, so my first cycle was totally all about being a loner, altho I did have some close friends and sports helped me be part of a team at least. It was a relief to cycle into 3 and get some good party times in LOL!
Hope that answers your question! :)