Re: Wife was scared of my first flush.
I agree, you made the right decision by following H. Clark's protocol. You can't eliminate whatever the liver expels during the flushes, if your bowels are congested with
parasites or old fecal matter. I passed
The importance of the
Bowel Cleanse only hit home to me when after my fifths flush I was completely stuck for four days, absolutely no BM in spite of
Epsom Salts , prune juice etc.( A
colonic finally did the trick). You see, I had stopped with the psyllium/
Bentonite Bowel Cleanse after my 3rd flush. Also got lazy with the follow up colonics, since everything seemed to go so well...
Taking olive oil daily before the flush is also a good idea to cleanse and prepare for flush. For one week before flush I take:
1 Tbs of organic olive oil
1/2 of an organic lemon including the skin which is full of bioflavonoids and as a side benefit makes it all taste better. If using regular lemons, do not use skin as it is full of colour and wax
one glass to one 1/2 glass of water
(sometimes I add ginger as fil in the post above)
blend it all in blender
drink first thing in morning one hour before breakfast
Best of success with your cleanses! They are well worth it, you'll see.