Good morning. Well things have gone pretty good. Last night I drank the oil/grapefruit with no problems. I figured it would be oily and disgusting but the grapefruit really helps. I rinsed my mouth and got in bed. I layed on my right side with my knees close to my chest for about 20 minutes, then I moved my knees slightly down as I felt like I was suffocating a bit in that position. I layed that way and slighty fell asleep until about 11:30 when I moved to my back. From about 11:30-1:30 my sleep wasn't so great. I was a bit nauseous and was having weird dreams....I found myself having confusion within my dream. I was burping a little bit of the oil/grapefruit which was making me a little more uncomfortable. So I propped my head up on 2 pillows and even folded one so my head was higher. This seemed to help a lot with the nausea and helped me to get more comfortable and fall back to sleep. I slept fairly good from 1:30-6:00, I was still having dreams but they weren't so bad. When I woke up at 6:00 I layed there kind of dozing until 6:30 when I got up and took my 3rd dose of Epsom. Then I layed back down and slightly fell back to sleep but I was feeling slightly nauseaous, dry mouth, yawning a lot. I ended up getting out of bed a little before 8:00 since I got enough sleep and was starting to feel yucky. So far I've had 2 watery BM's with lots of itty bitty green and tan stones. They were so small I didn't even bother counting them. There were only 2-3 bigger green stones in each BM that, when broke in half, were waxy and the same color inside. Ok, I just had a 3rd BM and there weren't as many itty bitty stones (I guess this is what chaff is) there were a few, about 6 or so of the slightly bigger green ones. I biggest one I had was 1/2 mm, pretty small. But this is better than nothing, I hope the reason I am not getting bigger stones is because I don't have any. I decided not to take the 4th dose of Epsom since I am already passing some stones and plus I think it would put me over the edge on the nauseaous scale. So these are my results. I was hoping to see more stones but it may be a good sign that I am not, hopefully I don't have that many. Oh yeah, I wanted to mention that I think next time, in 2 weeks, when I do my second flush I am going to decrease the oil to 1/3 cup. I think this will help with the nausea and plus I have a petite frame, only weighing 108 pounds. (105 right now from all the water I lost and from not eating in almost 24 hours) I don't think I need as much. For all of you out there wanting to do a flush but are a little scared.....don't be, it really isn't as bad as it seems!! I'm glad I finally did one. Joanne....good luck tonight.