At least you get to enjoy the fruits of your labors (although somehow that doesn't sound right). I had to go potty fishing to find my little surprise. I ordered a double whammy of Parastroy that should arrive Monday. I've been thinking of doing another Liver Flush this weekend, but now I think I might run over to Branson and catch an Imax movie; just to compare for future revelations. I have seen the rice, no Jujubees or garlic gloves though. I'm thinking of feeding my dogs garlic in their food. Garlic sounds good for dogs, repels fleas, kills worms and keeps vampires at bay.
My doctor once told me that some people who think they are posessed by demons actually have a severe parasite infestation. After reading some of the horror stories on this site, I'm beginning to wonder which is worse, and which is the easiest to cast out.
Dead worms and good spirits to all y'all.