Mind/Body/Spirit Triumvirate
There is absolutely a connection between the two, indeed they are only 2 parts of the whole - whether you want to call it the above, or by any of the other names found scattered throughout both eastern and western religion, spirituality, philosophy and psychology.
That which you think, you are (hatred of others-->toxicity, unhappiness, misfortune). That which you believe, happens (I'll never be able to do that! vs Lance Armstrong). That which you support, becomes a part of you (negative or positive emotions). Thought is energy and energy becomes matter manifested. But it's not just the immediate thought process and belief system, it's what is BEHIND that, and THAT usually escapes people's awareness unless they can really look inside themselves without running away.
Sometimes it works in reverse - the spirit WILL be heard. It's goal is to make us aware of our divine challenge to be everything our higher self can be to the good of us and those around us - and sets up a situation by where we have a CHOICE as to what we wante to DO with that situation. If ya ain't goin' forward, you're going backward. There is no such thing as "static."
I know some about H's story, and it's perfect evidence of how a person's spirit and universal divinity work to co-create the opportunities for one to avail themself of. At any juncture, she has had the option of choosing differently, but whether consciouly or unconsciously (at the urging of any one of many guides or her two life partner angels) has taken the choice that leads to her higher good - not just bodily "weight loss" cleansing, but indeed, all the mental cleansing that has come with it. Ali, I now get why you, too, sign "blessings" and why the wheat grass enema had such amazing effects - preceded by first chakra cleansing!
Change is an anathema to most people. Presented with the option to move forward, they usually stand firm in their old ways, because that's what has always worked. And patterns, instead of being questioned and cleansed, become perpetuated in generation after generation or relationship after relationship. Most people fail to realize that it takes more energy to sustain the false than it does to move through old shit (figuratively and literally), question it, heal it, assimilate it.
While it is true that there are cold germs (for instance) and sometimes we simply DO pick up a germ, more often than not - ALL OF THOSE ISSUES - from colds to cancer, stem from the mind AND the inability for the spirit to be heard in order to begin the body/mind healing. Thus the chakra issues - hate yourself for long enough and you impede the divine energy from flowing evenly throughout all 7 chakras (aka "chi"). It becomes blocked, is distributed unevenly, and the part of the body associated with the mental attitude develops dis-ease, toxicity, cancer.
First chakra issues - the bowel, spine (H), immune system, legs - are related to tribal and family issues, loss of power or control - which is as simple as being a grown up and still buying into things we were told as children that really don't make sense (cookies make the pain better, don't take chances - play it safe, you have to work HARD for your money, anything over 50 is OLD, etc) but we are still buying into.
Every choice we make directs our spirit. Stay in fear, this fear - as energy, settles in the body. What does this have to do with parasites? Ask what parasites have to do with the immune system. Remind yourself how many people are NOT choosing what we are choosing. Mental health is reflected in bodily health and vice versa, and spiritual health is often the force behind all of it. One cannot change one without affecting the other two, no matter the order.
So each one of us has his own story - but I'll bet you dollars to donuts - that each person who is cleaning, is going through some pretty wild changes on more than one level WHETHER THEY ANTICIPATED IT OR NOT. One thing leads to another, and balanced health is always the highest choice.
I did the master cleanse simply to rid my body of the cig and alcohol memeory on both a cellular and neurological basis. I had NO idea all this physical stuff would come with it. THough I've been attending to the mental and the spiritual for 15 years + now, my body was neglected. I knew when I came out of the last pattern of Transformation, I'd be quitting the smoking as I'd mentally no longer need it. And I was correct. What I had no idea of - even with my own understanding of balance! - was what I was about to undertake so that my body could catch up on 15 years of abuse that had taken place even as I was cleansing my mind and spirit.
I have SO run off at the mouth - and probably not even really addressed the mind body thing in any coherent matter.
But to ali and Hopinso - and everyone else, as well - I highly recommend this book in particular:
I have an inkling you will both find it quite interesting - there are other books that I can certainly recommend if you wish
BLESSINGS TO EVERYONE! Joy, love and light!
a VERY long-winded Blueskyz