That is really interesting. My doctor is something of a mystic and his wife is a Christian Reiki Master. She has been doing some distance Reiki on me. I can't help but wonder if there is a relationship. In the last two years I have gone through physical trauma, a spinal injury; emotional heartbreak in a broken relationship; and a spiritual meltdown where I've questioned a lot of beliefs, and left a church and teaching ministry. I am a very different person than I used to be, maybe those internal hitch hikers are just another burden to get rid of.
A lady who claimed to have the gift of healing suggested that I had a demon in me as an explanation of why my back was not healing and I was in constant pain. I mentioned this to my doctor and he did some muscle testing. That's when he told me about the relationship between posession and infestation. He did not find evidence of either in me (although it looks like he was mistaken about one).
I began this journey into health and cleansing in an effort to speed the healing of my spine naturally. It has been working, and I hope getting the toxic critters out will be another step in healing and health.