Sheesh. Paragard is $24/bottle (by Tyler labs) - 60 capsules. 3 capsules @ 3x/ long does this go on? It's been two weeks and stuff is happening - the most interesting poops yet just the other day. But like the Clarkia, this can only be taken in 2-weeks intervals. How long does this go on? How long CAN it go on? Every two weeks for the next several months?
The stuff I know is in there - like the Spelling Worms - haven't even begun to emerge. I have no die-off symptoms. The raw pumpkin seeds haven't spawned the appearance of any tape worms in the toilet or under my skin like with Cooter.
So - do I just keep taking this stuff til they are all gone or the year 2010, whichever comes first?
thanks -
blessings -
PS - so to date there are still jujubees, rice, and garlic cloves. Joined recently by little clearish brown boxey lookin' things with tails - AND clearish wispy sort of white tissue paperish looking stuff that sort of holds everything together but dances and waves in the water when it's by itself - weird stuff. Anybody know what (aside from the jujubees and rice) stuff is?
It's like an undersea IMAX movie in my toilet.