Re: Col-enemies
OK, blue, I can't write you back all I want to say right now because I am laughing so damn hard I'm crying!
NOW, I just know what's gonna happen. I'm gonna do my col-enemy, lie on the floor, squeezing, and I'm going to think of something you just said, and I'm going to start LAUGUHING. This could be very BAD. This could have very MESSY RESULTS. Oh, who am I kididng? It's all over.
Anyway, it's hard to say which one was the most effective. Well, no, actually, the wheatgrass one was most effective, because things started majorly happening after that but I'm not sure if it was just the straw that broke the camel's...uh...backside or not since it was the last one I did after all the others.
I do not recommend doing the garlic/pinch of cayenne thingy I did. They weren't kidding about liquid napalm. And, in retrospect, the cayenne was NOT supposed to go up my butt, but be part of the BATH for the cold sheet treatment. Learned my lesson the hard way about reading directions closely. This turned the expereince from just "napalm" to "global thermonucular annihilation". For the record.
One that I really really liked was the diluted apple cider vinegar one. That one really seemed to gently purify everything. The warm salt water was good just as a very neutral wash.
Now I am thinking I sound like some sort of sick colema connoisseur. "Ah yes, is that the 2000
Sea Salt solution? Mmmm, such a good year. Nice legs, peppy without being coy, full bodied" get my drift.
One good way to tell which boyfriend to pick is to develop all those horrible
parasite die off symptoms. Get a nice rash, try to show him your worms next time he visits (I am DEATHLY afraid of becoming that one crazy realtive in my family who, at family gatherings, whips out their mason jar full of parasites).
Let me know how it goes...