Re: Advice please!
Wow, your motorcycle ride sounds absolutely beautiful! Are the fall colors out there yet?
You raise an interesting question Blue, and one that I've been mulling over because of my whole experience. You see, what seemed to set off this whole recent saga of the massive diarrea, petichiae, stomach pulsating, and passing massive critters (have also gotten the jujubee ones - great analogy), was the fact that I did my first ever colema. This started EVERYTHING.
So the question is, were the colemas a good thing or a bad thing to do to get rid of the parasites?
On the one hand, I have killed massive amounts of
parasites and worms - evidence every time I go to the bathroom. Also, I know that they are passing directly out of my system, and not hanging around in my guts. I think my body knows that this needs to happen, hence, the diarrea.
On the other hand, having diarrea and weird symptoms for 4-5 days is not so pleasant.
Maybe my infestation is just so bad that the trauma or healing crisis is very strong as these all die of at once.
I know I've been through the wringer, but part of me really feels like it is worth it. I think I may even do another colema tonight, because even though it started all this stuff, I think it is the best thing to help get rid of all the nasty wigglies.
For the record, the watered down wheatgrass was the last colema I did which seemed to be the death knell and start the mass exodus.
Anyway, hope that helps!
Also, if you do a colema make sure to take probiotics.