For instance, as Ali brought up - hand sanitizer and all those anti bacterial soaps and cleansers. The political spin that we’re given – and that most people buy into – is that this is good for us. This is NOT good for us, and I don’t need to elaborate why, here, because I’d be preaching to the proverbial choir. But the general public – the great unwashed, as it were – is buying into the rhetoric and scarfing up these products completely unaware of at least two factors operating:
it is NOT about our health, it's about THEIR bottom line, and
these anti-bacterial products are, in effect, exacerbating the very thing they are being touted as preventing
And on a more down home level, sans education on the big picture, there are people wandering around that really don’t have a clue and are doing the “French fries and diet coke thing” – and by that I mean people like me a few months back. I was one step short of scrubbing my chicken with Brillo pads, but I was wandering around barefoot and eating stuff of the floor. Let’s not even talk about kissing my dog!
I really love the way everyone jumps into these things. Everyone has their own bend on the way to play it, but reading everyone else’s always gives one something to ponder a bit. Hayley still worries, a natural reaction, and I’m balancing disgust and paranoia daily right now. But she also takes some common sense precautions, as does Just Me, which are tied into Nori’s overall point of raising standards of hygiene. And we’ve all been in public restrooms and seen the percentage of people that don’t stop at the sink to wash their hands - and doing that is kindergarten common sense!
And Hopinso’s point ties right into Ali’s hand sanitizer thing – and right back to the Irony Of It All – she’s nailed it perfectly on the head. The POINT of being clean is so that we DON’T have to worry obsessively. Because clean, our bodies have the natural ability to do what they are supposed to do – protect themselves. Add in a few doses of common sense and some periodic cleansing, and we’re good to go. It’s only when we muck them up that they cease to function naturally in the manner in which they were designed.
Life is here to be lived! The point of cleansing isn’t to isolate ourselves in fear, but to be on this planet longer in a joyous manner - so that we have that much more time to love, live, laugh, teach, learn, skip, hop, jump, play!
Well, like I referred to in some other post on some other forum at some other point – if I win the lottery, I’m taking us all to some spa where we can detox, cleanse, have mud wraps, and yak up a storm.