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Unclean lemons & other musings
blueskyz Views: 1,809
Published: 22 y

Unclean lemons & other musings

I like the one by Just-Me, which is a thought provoking and balanced response to PP (Parasite Paranoia):
  • Look at the dilemma this way. You take drugs,kills every last parasite in your body and need detox from the drugs. Tomorrow you used your nail as a toothpick and... here you go again. Will you take drugs again? Will you stop petting your dogs and cats?
What got me on this thought train is what I've done in the past 10 days, what I'm doing now, and what i'm planning on doing - and then I looked over at my 598th glass of purified water today and said, (GASP!) "What's that UNCLEAN LEMON doing in my PURIFIED WATER?" Two months ago I was quite likely, if I dropped an M&M on the ground, to pick it up and eat it.

So, how do we live in a world that has lower standards than we are are adopting for ourselves? It can only come down to hard core cleaning first round and then choosing to combine healthy day-to-day vigilance with periodic cleansing maintenance. Or we'll all become neurotic germaphobes walking around wearing big plastic baggies over us.

My boyfriend made fresh juice this morning - PERFUNCTORALY washed the grapes. I go somewhere for a picnic, CHANCES ARE the chicken is not washed NEARLY as well as I would, and many of my friends thaw their meat by leaving it on their counters all afternoon. Yeah, this kinda freaks me out. I step in there with a smile and a phrase to educate as I'm sliding it back into the fridge.

This parasite thing is gross, really gross. I've walked barefoot every summer since I was in 7th grade (about 30 years) - the last three years all day from May to October, ALL OVER THE DROP ZONE barefoot (mud, dirt, some swamp) - cigs in one hand, G&T in the other. I shudder to think of the places I stumbled sometimes, barefoot, late at night when hanging by the bonfire and drunk, (and like everyone else) wandered into the woods rather than walking all the way to the bathroom.

It sometimes feels as if ignorance is bliss. If you don't know, then you aren't forced to make a choice. But after a while, all your vitamins don't work and FORGET IT without them, you go on effexor to combat the depression, and you might look great outside - but inside, your body screams for help.

We're making strides here, kids, and let's not forget that. In the midst of all these disgusting things coming out of us, as we morbidly peer and poke about in our own poop, measure and trade stories and discover that these bugs might be in our hearts, lungs, cheeks as well - the operative word there is DISCOVER. If we don't DISCOVER, we don't have the choice to get them out. And if we aren't choosing health, we're choosing a slow toxic death.

I don't suggest we get on our soapboxes with those we know and love. But I DO suggest we talk openly about what we are doing and pass on the URL to this site. That way the info is out there, and then OTHERS can decide if they want to learn more and make the choice their own.

I've run off at the mouth long enough. But this site is such a blessing - second only to all the people ON this site, and how we help and educate one another.



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