Re: To Mariana - Experience with Paragone?
I took a full dosage for the first 11 days of my
parasite cleanse and passed loads of worms. However, like you, I was feeling so dizzy and cramped that I finally decided to take the recommended half dosage for my weight. At this time, I did not pass anything as signifigant in my stools. So after the 5 day off period, I started on a full dosage again. When I would feel dizzy, I would finish the day with a half dosage. I have been trying to take the full dosage as often as I can manage and it's paying off...
This afternoon I passed another tapeworm, over 2 feet long. It came out in 3 pieces. I know it was a tapeworm, because it was flat like a ribbon. I have been loading down a full dosage for the last two days before I passed it. And I am not feeling nearly as dizzy as I was.
However, I do have a concern that I could damage my liver with an overdose of herbs. I wrote the Renew Life company today and asked if I should be concerned.
Another thing I keep wondering, is whether the dizziness is from "die off" symptoms or an overdose on the herbs? I will let you know what I can find out.