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Re: What are die off symptoms?
MS2786 Views: 38,921
Published: 22 y
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Re: What are die off symptoms?

The "die off" symptoms started after the first 3 days on the ParaGONE. At first, I didn't know what was happening because I was feeling so strange. After some research, I realized it was the dead worms in my system that was making me feel so toxic. I understand they leave an ammonia when they die and some days I could even taste it in my mouth.

My "die off" symptoms were complete exhaustion, severe hunger pains, headaches, fast beating heart, dizziness, fog head, chemical feeling, and blury spots in my vision.

I think that my infesation was extremely severe and that is why I am having such amazing success on the ParaGONE. Before I started the parasite cleanse, I was literally dying. My doctor could do nothing and my body was so thin and weak I could not leave my bed. My hair was falling out and my body looked like it was starved to death even though I was forcing down as much food as my stomach could hold. I believe my whole intestines has been filled to the top with worms, and the ParaGONE has only killed 1/2 to 3/4 of them. I am feeling better and gaining some weight, but I still feel abdominal pain and distended stomach. I know I have a while to go yet.

My recommendations to everyone while they are on the parasite cleanse, is to take a fiber such as Pysillium to help pass the worms more quickly (and to prevent blockage) and to make sure you eat healthy (garlic, vegetables) and drink plenty of water.




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