It doesnt matter what I wear or if I was naked,it still burns and stings and hurts even if im standing still so. i made it through a 9 hour hell shift at work. yippee,adn ill do it again tomorrow..ugh..
Im starting to really worry about it. Cause im not sure exactly whats going on. If its a reaction to changed lifestyle or what. If I KNEW that i'd be happier. At same time I wanna call doc cause its so annoying.
I'm also worried about the indents that I have between my crotch and my stomach. Just noticed them yesterday,dont think were there before. Its like where my crotch and stomach meet,like my crotch is like a v of course going up to stomach and right where it almost meets the stomach theres like a little indent in skin. On both sides. My mom thinks its cause I lost weight or something or changing my diet. I just havent noticed it before. I took a picture of it so..