Re: Aquaphor for baby
I posted for the first time today... my child is almost 3 and has had eczema for appx 2 years (since she was 11 months old). We also were told by our pediatrician, dermatologist, and allergist, to use Aquaphor and Eucerin-- that they would provide the most moisture to the skin. As I found out later they really made the problem worse 1) because they clogged the pores more, eczema results from toxins needing to purge from the pores, and 2) because Aquaphor contains lanolin alcohol and mineral oil, which are both hard on the skin.
We have had some relief by using Aubrey Rosa Mosqueta body lotion-- it is an all natural formula and very gentle on the skin. We also grind oatmeal and mix in with bath water to help soothe the skin.
As we found with Aquaphor, that it provides relief for the moment, but actually makes the problem worse in the long run.
Hope this helps.
You may email me privately if you wish.