My nieces were healed of severe eczema breakouts and have maintained that healing for over 4 and 3 years now without the use of any medications. In order to achieve this success, we fought the eczema on three fronts: internally, externally, and foreign. What that means is that we addressed the immune system (nutritional balance/vitamin deficiency), rehydrated the severely dehydrated skin by moisturizing with a natural vitamin enriched lotion, and identified the allergen/irritants so that we could rid them from our nieces environment. The reason the skin has to be addressed externally as well as internally is because along with being the body's largest organ and temperature regulator, it is a visible organ; thus the need to treat it on both fronts. Since the flareup is due to an allergen or irritant, you can understand the need to treat it on all three fronts in order to obtain the success that you desire.
To give you an understanding of how the wisdom was applied, I will illustrate my nieces case. At 3 months old, my niece suffered a severe (total body) eczema breakout. She was diagnosed as having hereditary eczema and given the normal scenario of "no cure", "may grow out of it", "we can provide temporary symptom relief with the use of steroid creams". My family chose not to take the steroid option, due to our experience with our mother's 30+ years of battle with eczema breakout and steroid treatments. We educated ourselves on the skin (its function and needs) and came up with the wisdom mentioned above. Applying the wisdom, we experienced immediate results with long term healing. 1) FOREIGN - We identified the allergens/irritants = baby formula (food allergen) & dust mites. 2) INTERNAL - We restored health to the immune system by providing a good nutritional diet = Hypoallergenic or suitable baby formula & supplemented with a multivitamin for infants in liquid form. 3) EXTERNAL - We cleansed and moisturized the girls skin daily with the Burt's Bees Baby Bee Sensitive skin care line (consists of Buttermilk bath soap, buttermilk lotion, vitamin E oil for bath, Baby Bee Shampoo & apricot oil for scalp). The healing began immediately; and in two weeks, the skin was completely healed. That healing has remained for over 3 years.
To address any one of these particular areas of treatment without addressing the other two, will lead to frustration and persistent flareups. You must identify your child's allergen/irritant. However, in that identification process, you must also understand that food allergens are not the only cause of eczema flareup. Harsh fibers or chemicals in fibers (clothing or bedding) can instigate flareups. Wool, polyester, and acrylic fabrics can instigate eczema breakout. 100% cotton or silk fabrics are the best options for infants and children with eczema. Pollens, molds, dust mites, and pet dander, drying soaps/detergents, fabric softener, household cleansers & other chemical toxins, metals, and stress are also instigators of eczema breakout. With a certainty you can know that the flareup instigator (allergen/irritant) is localized to your child's environment (immediate surroundings); thus narrowing the scope of your search for the allergen to that area. Although my nieces were diagnosed as having inherited eczema, they didn't inherit the flareup. They inherited an immunity that was prone to breakout. The flareup was brought about by an allergen/irritant. To summarize this point; the best way to get rid of an eczema flareup is to rid the environment of the thing (allergen/irritant) that is promoting the flareup. In too many cases, the problems with the doctors' diagnosis of eczema and their prescribed treatment is that the allergen/irritant has not been addressed.
The skin functions as the body's temperature regulator (thermostat). For an analogy, in order for the thermostat in a car to run successfully, the fluid level (water) has to be maintained or it (the car) will run hot (break down). The moisture barrier of the skin is the skin's defense against harmful allergens/irritants. When the skin is dehydrated, the moisture barrier is depleted; thus making the skin vulnerable to breakout from harmful allergens/irritants. After bathing (saturation of the skin in water), the skin is at its most vulnerable for evaporation of its moisture; hence the need for moisturizing the skin after bathing in order to retain the skin's moisture barrier. Many doctors prescribe that eczema sufferers bathe less frequently than non sufferers. We didn't choose this option and bathed the girls daily because we didn't want to allow room (days) for the bacteria to grow on the skin. Because our water was not chemically treated and because we used a natural cleanser that was beneficial to the girls skin, this option was a good one for us. The natural cleansing and moisturizing option for my nieces contains a natural fragrance that may cause an allergic reaction to children with fragrance sensitivities. Other fragrance free options for moisturizing (replenishing the moisture barrier) are Borage Dry Skin Therapy (pediatric formula) by Shikai, Colloidal Oatmeal Skin Therapy by Nature's Gate, and NaturalDerm skin rash cream.
A healthy immune system (one able to defend against harmful allergens/irritants) can be achieved by a good nutritional diet of water, fruit, and vegetables. We knew, from their infancy, that the girls would have to be healthy eaters; and consequently introduced healthy eating and drinking to them at young ages. The result has been long term healing from eczema breakout. Junk foods aren't allowed. They don't drink soft drinks or fruit drinks high in sugar. Their consumption of juice is only 100% fruit juice. Options for cookies and cakes are naturally sweetened and limited to special occasions.
In summary; if you only attack eczema in part, then you will only get part of the healing. I go into such detail in order to provide you with the knowledge that my family has gained, in the hopes that you will be able to apply the wisdom and find your child's immediate and long term healing from eczema. I have three examples of proof (my nieces) of this very real possibility.