Thank you for your advice. I know that I have parasites, but when I was taking the three herbal parasite killers, that was when I went to the ER for tachycardia and gas on my stomach. So, I'm going to try a different set of herbs to kill parasites. But I know I've always been pretty parasitic? because even as a child I remember that I had pin worms more than anyone I ever knew.
I do have an ozonator. I bought it several years ago to help feel better. I haven't used it much.
I know what Hulda Clark has said about parasites needing to be killed, but in Curezone I haven't seen much emphasis on the parasite cleanse, so I've bypassed that procedure to some degree. I also have a zapper (wrist bands), which I use occasionally, but have not done so regularly. Do you feel that the zapper really kills parasites? I have never seen any in my stool at all after using the zapper.
Thank you for your good advice. I need to address the parasite problem, as you say.