When you have a GS attack like that, I strongly recommend you drink as much Organic Apple Juice as you can. This softens the stones and if one is stuck, then it helps it to move through by softening it. I try and drink at least one glass a day of organic apple juice to continually keep my stones softened in between flushes since I have pretty bad GS and if I eat anything fattening at all, they act up. I don't know if your cheeseburger threw you into a GS attack, since it was 2 days later. But I would definitely recommend drinking the organic apple juice. I had a mild GS attack 3 days ago and had 3 big glasses of AJ when it woke me up in the middle of the night and the pain was completely gone in about 1.5 hours and I actually saw the stones pass in my stool that night. I hope this helps you!