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I did a dumb thing, but it may not be the cause.
OldPilot Views: 2,548
Published: 22 y

I did a dumb thing, but it may not be the cause.

Well, I’m back. I’ve been swamped with work and other things so I haven’t had time to write. Now I’m having GB problems so everything else has to wait. Funny how important our health is, isn’t it.

Does anyone know if sunflower seeds or a plain Watermelon could cause a GS attack. That’s all I’ve eaten different lately.... I take that back, Sunday about 2:00pm I ate a really bad thing, a double cheeseburger. I was hungry and it looked good. BUT it never seemed to affect me UNLESS it was when all this pain started two days later, on Tues. I haven’t had any serious pains since my last flush which around the 25th of July. Actually since my first real flush around July 1st. I’d have to check my records to be sure.

Also I’ve noticed that I seem to have two kinds of pains: one is if I breath deep I get a pain under the right rib a little sharper, it looks like my stomach is full of gas and sometimes if I can burp the pain will go away. The other pain doesn’t seem to matter how I breath, it’s just a continual dull ache under or below the right rib area. No matter what I do, (sit, stand, change positions) it won’t quit. As I recall both pains my right shoulder blade hurts.

The first night I had the dull aching type pain then the next night I had the deep breathing type pain, I did an “emergency” flush both nights, but it didn’t seem to help. I’m wondering if it could be a stuck gallstone. Could someone describe that kind of pain? Today I’ve had pain off and on, (the deep breathing type) and I’m hoping to at least get to sleep tonight.
I’d sure appreciate some thoughts on all of this. Thanks a bunch.


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