Thanks for replying bevpirt. Initially I only took the bitters and I had very good elimination on that.After 2/3 weeks I added coptis.I noticed that my stool became harder and drier.So I drank more water and exercised. Then a day or 2 later I added GCG,so I was taking all 3. Two weeks later,constipation. I had to take 1 tablespoon of Epsom Salts today and 1 hour later I managed to eliminate but the stools were hard as usual( and full of stones-did my flush 2 days ago). Now I've stopped taking Coptis and GCG but I'm worried about all those stones sitting in my colon because I have constipation!!! I'm going to call her tomorrow. I never had constipation before!!
BTW do you have candida( you mentioned Threelac)? And if you do, didn't the alcohol in Julia's herbs worsen your candida?
Once again, thanks for taking the time to read and reply to my posts.I really appreciate it.