22 y
Re: very depressed and stressed today -very long!!!!
I am not a doctor or anything but I will tell you I know how you feel. It seemed like I had to be there for everyone, the children, my husband ect.... but no one was there for me. Our lives take unwanted turns some times. I'm not tryng to tell you what to do, your life is your own, but for me, I needed a help that was beyond myself. My grandmother who was a Christian was in the hospital for an operation. She was old and I felt bad for her to go throught such a hard thing. I discovered that her God cared so much for her life and her condition that two days after her operation she was up walking around with very little pain. I thought to my self if God cared enought about an old woman to come see about her, I could surrender my life to the Jesus Christ.. My prayer went something like this:
Lord Jesus,
You know all about me and my problems. Some I created by myself and some are others. But I give my life to you and I need your help to put my life back togather.
I confess all my sins to you right now. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and was sent by God into this world because He loved us so much he wanted all people to have a right to live a good and peaceful life in Him, and that he died on the cross for all my sins and that he arose from the dead on the third day with all power in His hands, so that I might have a right to the life in Him. Come into my heart Lord Jesus and be the Lord of my life, and I will serve you with all my heart, thank you Lord in Jesus name A-men.
And from that day to this I have served the Lord, I made mistakes along the way but Jesus was right there to supply all my needs according to his riches in glory. I know this will help you. If you choose to do this.
Read: John 3:16, Romans 10:9
Peace in the Valley