Thanks for the welcome. And yes, I did assume that eating all those apples would be a lot easier than the other fasts. Foolish me. I'm glad for all your inputs. And vast experiences. Right now, I'm only willing to commit to just the apple fast. I haven't fasted for a long time, decades actually. And when I did do it, I didn't really know what I was doing. Just stopped eating and drank water. I felt really horrible and didn't really get any value from it. I've been reading The Master Cleanser book, which has been sitting on my shelf collecting dust. Finding this forum and feeling really bad physically has finally got me motivated. I'm also motivated from a spiritual level to cleanse not just my body but also my mental and emotional lives. I'm going through a midlife crises of sorts. Although I plan on living a lot longer than 2x 49. Seriously.
I'm really glad to know the apple fast is such a butt kicker. No, really, I am LOL. Since I'll be getting motivating support from this forum, I'll be very happy to let you all know how it's going. And, any advice is gladly accepted.
And Simon, I remember reading somewhere a long time ago of someone taking in too much fiber in a close time slot.Supposedly, it was more than the body could handle at one time. And the herb book I was reading says not to take psyllium if you are constipated. I don't know your whole situation, just info that may help.
Thanks again for the warm welcome. Happy Saturday, TrueImage