Re: Lab tests and Docs
Many, many, many people here have postively identified parasites. This forum (and it's archives) alone has numerous first hand accounts. We have no problem believing that other cultures can have parasites, we routinely take our animals to the vet for deworming, why is it so hard to believe that we don't have the same unwelcome guests?
As for the rest of your question about the medical profession, you may find a lot of your quesions answered at
The Doctor Within. The 'Chapters' go into much better detail and description than I can.
Bottom line, your health is Your concern and you know your body and the way you feel better than anyone else, including doctors. Doctors treat symptoms and practice medicine (note carefully what that says) - only your body can cure. A weak, abused, ill-fed,
parasite riddled body is exhausted. Strengthen it, clean out the old garbage and waste, feed it well, and evict any freeloaders and be amazed at what it can do.