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Re: Doctor tossed our my parasite!
joann Views: 1,584
Published: 22 y
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Re: Doctor tossed our my parasite!

Do you ever wonder why a doctors license says " license to practice"? LOL

My theory is that doctors have the equipment to do a fairly good diagnosis of some things, and they are ok for setting broken bones, but that's about all I trust them for (but I still keep a close eye on them and MY medical records).

I used to be in the medical field and I know what goes on... so I would never trust one for treatment unless I double check EVERYTHING they say.

Hubby has great faith in doctors and trusts them totally. So far I've discovered a doctor giving hubby the wrong meds 6 times! If I wouldn't have caught the mistakes, hubby would be 6' under right now (and the death certificate would say "natural causes").

Nope, nope, nope, I don't trust doctors at all.


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