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Re: Doctor tossed our my parasite!
schwenkr Views: 1,679
Published: 22 y
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Re: Doctor tossed our my parasite!

I just want to tell you I know exactly what you are going through because the same thing happened to me. The excitement over finding the parasites in my stool, the empowerment of bringing the dang thing into my doctor's office to show him the actual proof, the lack of knowledge as to how to handle such evidence and what to do with it, the stool test ordering, and then a week later a "negative" result on parasite testing. It was INFURIATING for me.

I have come to realize that I have been looking for validation from the medical community. I realize now that I must validate and nurture and BELIEVE myself.

At the same time, however, I still believe in the value of educating our doctors. They have a very narrow-minded scope of things, and they seek evidence to support their already existing paradigms. Thus, I have written a letter to my doctor, I have photo-copied articles and pages of books on the subject that related to my symptoms and experience, and I even printed out some of the more sincere postings from this forum. I sent this package to my doctor, and I am trying to let go of the outcome! All I can do is plant the seed...and then let it go...

Also, I wanted to let you know about two different labs that I was referred to by other people on this forum as well as in the books on parasites that I have read. One lab is Great Smokies Diagnostic Lab, and the other is Diagnos-techs. You can do a google search for these websites. People who had their stool test come out negative with their regular doctors sent stool to these labs, and these labs found parasites (sometimes more than one type) because they are so much more comprehensive than most labs.

The only little problem is that your doctor must order these tests for can't order them yourself. So in the letter I wrote to my doctor, I included a request that she order me a test from these more comprehensive labs.

I hope that helps.

I totally feel your pain! Good luck, keep your chin up, and continue to trust and nourish yourself.



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