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struggling to get a proper diagnosis, do i have IBS or something more serious(chron's/colitis)??
please help me Views: 2,234
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struggling to get a proper diagnosis, do i have IBS or something more serious(chron's/colitis)??

hello, i have a question for anyone who would like to answer it, and i would be very grateful if you would, i am a 19 year old male. I have been struggling with intestinal problems for the past year now. It started as just feeling fatigued and having an alternation between constipation and diarrhea but has evolved in to much more. My doc. diagnosed me with IBS a year ago when i had blood tests, stool, and urine tests done and got no abnormal results back. Since then i began to get many other symptoms such as, extreme fatigue, an almost constant pain in my lower right side, a wieghtloss of 160 to 145 pounds, a change in sleep patterns, mucus and sometimes blood in my stool, hemroids, sores in my mouth, constipation, and huge bags under my eyes, however about 2 months ago i again had all of these tests done, and all came back normal. Although my skin was pale i was not anemic, and my white blood cells were fine. But the mucus and blood in my stool only recently became worse. I have also had an odd odor emitting from my body, and have been diagnosed with anxiety and Depression aswell. But all of these symptoms cant be from just depression, can they? Please respond if you have any knowledge to what i may have, i have told my parents and doctor about my symptoms numerous times but they dont understand the extent as to what im suffering. This problem is ruining my social life and is preventing me from becoming succesful, please help me..


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