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Re: Adkins diet bad for liver?
  Views: 10,147
Published: 22 y
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Re: Adkins diet bad for liver?

I work in Viral Vaccine Research and my boss is an M.D., Ph.D. trained
in one of the top schools in the nation, and is affiliated with one of
the finest hospitals in NY. He will stand on clinical studies for the
most part. He believes the Atkins diet is fine. He does qualify that
by stating the first 2 weeks are rigid but carbs are then introduced.
Many times individuals continue on with the 2-wk diet since they are
losing weight, and certainly understood. But if you go to the library
and secure one of Atkins books you will notice he has 3 plans, and
plan 2 & 3 definitely have carbs. The medical community is tough, Dr. Atkins could never have survived if he was "off the wall" But do bear in mind moderation. After the 2 weeks, you'll have your carbs back.
One opinion only of course, but clinical studies prove it's just fine.


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