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I am passing huge poos poos on a frequent basis
Handsumluv Views: 4,953
Published: 22 y

I am passing huge poos poos on a frequent basis

I am wondering if it is a good thing that I have huge poo poos. I know I'm not alone;I've have heard other reports of this. I do my cleanses several times a week and eat a balanced diet consisting mauli of fruits, vegtables, poultry and for deserts I soemtimes eat choclate in moderation. I do have a healthy appetite and eat large quantities times. Usually my bowel movements are knobby, very hard and a medium to dark brown with very little if any undigested food in them. They are quite huge....usually 8 inches long to 12 inches long and 3 to 4 inches in diamter.I use mineral oil to lubricate my anal sphincter to aid in pushing them out..but it takes time and they almost alwys clog up the toilet. I hve to either put a rubber glove to break it up and push it down while flushing or use a spoon to chop and plunge it down while flushing and hoping the toilet won't overflow.My last girlfriend broke up with me becasue of my problem, even though I would always take care of getting the BM down the toilet. I have been like this since 1998 and had a colonsocopy which was normal.The only thing that bothers me is the pain of pushing it out. I must say it is so impressive how the human body works.It's hard to fathom how the digestive sytem works like this. Lately I'v have found a more comfortable postion wher I use a bedpan situated on the floor and I lubricate my anus and get on my elbows and kness and I find it easier to push out the wide large poo poo with less pain. I then put the contnets in the toilet and deal with it from theer. I wipe but nothing is ever on the toilet paper because they are so firm. If I use a public restoom I have to sit on the the toilet and do it that way, almost always clogging the toilet. I used to be embarrased but have learned to realize this how our bodies function and it's nothing to be ashamed of. Jon


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