Well- it's flattering that you were able to detect my brilliancy just by reading my post, since I never alluded to it in any way.. but hey, thanks for the compliment! As for chemical sensitivities and environmental toxins (I'm assuming you meant "toxins" instead of "toxics")- certainly such things do exist, but are much over-hyped. Many easily treatable medical conditions are overlooked and left untreated by misguided folks who blame them on the aforementioned factors and who refuse to see a real doctor, believing all doctors to be a part of some massive Conspiracy loosely labeled "Big Medicine". These are almost always people who have never really known a doctor as a person; who have no friends or relatives who are doctors and who have had no real exposure to doctors other than in a clinical setting. It is easy to distrust what you do not understand. Certainly not all doctors are trustworthy, and not all have pure motives.. they are people, just as those who sell Ionic Foot Cleanse machines are people. But I can tell you from honest experience that most people who enter the field of medicine do so because they have a sincere desire to help people. And that is precisely what most doctors do.