Saturn Return
KewlCat! Thanks for the great post. Very inspiring to see your determination to keep learning and growing. yay!
I have to say that, when you mentioned that you are going to be turning 30 in October (what day? libra or scorpio?), the astrologer in me needs to say, "you're going through your Saturn Return!!"'s major. I don't have time to tell you all about it now, but I'll post something about what you might be feeling right now (although you gave a pretty good description of it already!) on the Astrology Forum within the next few days.
Basically it is a HUGE maturing transit. It happens to everyone around the ages 28 to 30. (depending when you were born). It is usually a pretty challenging time...although I've seen it be more challenging for women. It is a time when you must discard the old in order to make room for the new. That is super brief...but I'll tell more in a few days!
That's so great that you seem to be in the coming-out-of-the-Saturn-Return Stage already! yay! Already looking forward...and creating your future. That's great.
More soon!