Loving memories of animals make it into heaven...I remember a cat...Snowball Socrates....
I beLEIVE that all living and non living organic matter have spirits in them. The material world that is dying is dark and the loving spirit world is light...The Light could be called Love and the material world could be called Not Light. When the next age comes...the light of the world will be increased so much that every organic and inorganic matter will be full of unselfish light. Plants and animals will also be affected by this change. I say that this coming age will last for a thousand years...but I can not really pin down the length of time.....that is just what I understand from my carnal perception of my spiritual observation,,,The actual times of things happen when beings with free will do their part in the puzzle of Yah's plan. We all have our parts to do...dogs,cats, lions, lambs, the ground we walk on, the mountains we climb, the trees we climb, the air we breathe, plants, streams, you, and me, everything.