Dark Spirits(Wyrms) reside in a spiritual condition that is known as Hell(Separation from God) When we die...these dark spirits are eventually thrown off of our indestructable perfect souls when we begin to enter the light...darkness can not exist in the presence of God..."God can not even look on sin"...These beings may look just like us...they know our thoughts & intentions...but they are not us...
These selfish spirits are mostly concerned about themselves... Even these doomed dark spirited beings will be reconciled to God after the end of time. In the Christian Tradition, "Every knee shall bow and every toungue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. " "Every Toungue that confesses that Jesus Christ is Lord shall be saved."
I believe some people have seen this these dark spirits in their NDE(Near Death Experience)on their way to the light as they are still clinging to their soul in the tunnel. I bet there are many instances of Christians who have "confessed with their mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord" that have experienced the tunnel without making it to the light. I bet there are millions, who are not Christians, who have had a similar experience and witnessed their own deity in the same form as the "Father of Lights" I met.
There may be a few men born without souls(sociopaths from birth) that will never see heaven...There is a test for this...Has this being ever acted with loving kindness toward another...ever? But when they die...they just die. There are also some people whose souls leave their body before they die...but those souls go on to heaven. I am unsure of what happens to comma patient's souls?
Imagine a healthy person who became mentally ill after someone dropped a hit of acid in their soda or someone who is about to die in their body and is raging at the world...their soul may have already left their body...their perfect soul..
A sociopath is one who constantly dwells on self-destruction and destruction with no love and never act in loving kindness ever. In the Jewish Tradition (The Nephelum}.