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Re: about the lime juice
  Views: 8,970
Published: 21 y
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Re: about the lime juice

Hi, I generally squeeze a few drops of the lime juice in the palm of my hand and rub it under arm. I do this after I shower. After it dries you can apply deodorant if you like and you are guaranteed to stay fresh all day. Bedtime use is good too.

I find that I can use it every 3-4 days or longer and be secure. But you can use it more regularly if you please.

I want you to try it and report your results to me in a few days. I'd appreciate the feedback.

No, I've never used ginger in my bath water but I do like the brew. I beat a chunk of the ginger, pour hot water on it, let it seep for a bit and drink as is, or add a little sweetner.

Hope this helps.

Peace and guidance,
Been there


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