20 y
Re: Similar Problem Please Help
I had a similar was so bad I had to leave a job once because nobody would sit beside me...a call center.
I think I've licked this problem MORE or less. When I dress and go to work (my new job) people actually tell me I smell nice...:)
What did I do? I started with a bowel cleanse. P&B shakes plus adjusting my diet.
I found sitz baths (sp) to be especially helpful. I did them around four times per week. I would add vinegar and baking soda to the water, make it as hot as could be tolerated and sit in it for almost an hour, and just SWEAT! That seemed to work fast because it got rid of the odor that was near surface level, I guess. That's a good way to detox...sweating.
I also did dry brushing. Now this is weird. When I started doing that I started to notice globs of what looked like phlegm in my stool. I started to wonder about it. Then one day I was reading up on the dry brushing technique and I saw where somebody said that it was a result of the lymph system being cleaned. Now when I dry brush I no longer notice the "phlegm-like" deposit. Maybe i'm now clean, eh?
TIP: I notice that a lot of people say they have a bowel movement and then shower before they go out. From experience I discovered that that is not a good idea. It seems that depending on how you shower, you can actually "perfume" yourself with the crap. Think about it. If the problem is with your stool being that smelly and you use a washcloth and wash your bum and then wash the rest of your body then you are unintentionally aggravating the situation. You may not even notice it. Have a different wash cloth for your bum! And your bum only!
This can be beat. The sitz baths will help fast. Use a few drops of lime juice (green) underarm to kill odour for up to four days. This can be used all over the body too. This is very popular in Jamaica and it works! Nothing works on perspiration odour like lime juice.
If I can think of anything else I will let you know. Before, I'd dread going out into the summer heat because a stench would rise from my scalp and body generally...there'd be this weird scent on my pillows...not that's gone.
I'm preparing for
Liver Cleaning now because I think I need them. I did a few last year and got some really disgusting stuff out of my liver...including tan-like stones that did not melt. I got scared I'd get a stone stuck and stopped but I'm moving on in faith now.
I really think BB and BO is a result of a toxic body. Don't try to mask the symptoms, get to the root.
Peace and blessings,
Been There