Not really, I've always eaten whatever I wanted, I guess in the past 4-5 years, I have been eating more red meat, but I was also taking this Birth Control Pill, The Depo Vera shot? and my Gyno believes this may have caused my IBS. I did go thru a really bad divorce, so they toss my IBS up to Stress. I think with my IBS/ Constipation, alot of the toxins have backed up into my system, causing problems w/ my Liver and or bowel. I'm just tired of feeling this way. I read last night about Liver and Bowell flushing, you can get these cleansers @ GNC's, but you are suppose to clean your bowell/ Colon before the liver flushing. I wander if the pills work to flush, I've been seeing all these recipes of combination of nasty stuff. I'm going to GNC today and pick one of these cleansers up and start. Wish me luck!