Thanks for the info, I will check out the Yahoo website.
It's just really depressing, I am a very attractive female, and I can't believe I'm having this problem. I just don't know why this happens to me everyday at the same time, it's really weird. I don't experience the bo all the time, just around 3:30 to 5:30 or so. Until I have a bowel movement.
This is really hindered my social life. I am engaged, and I have a beautiful daughter by a previous marriage. By finance has never said anything to me about this odor, although, I'm not around him at 3:30 to 5:30. The strangest thing is I don't have this problem on the weekends either, it's just during the week. Maybe I am more self conscious about it while I am work it just makes it worse? I just don't know, and I don't understand this at all.