Re: to lusty22
Dear moreless, I am not sure what your problem is exactly but i will defend myself in saying i was only trying to help monica as we suffer from many of the same things. I don't give advice to be followed like i am an expert, i only know alot of what certain people are going thru in this forum as i have gone thru so many of the same things myself in the last year. i am relating to her problems with sensitivity to certain supplements as i had the same thing, and of course i can also relate to her low blood
Sugar problems as i also have them. i believe this disease takes a long time to get well from and i have only been treating myself since the end of june, so i do have a ways to go. However, i have made much progress and compared to where i was then i am like a different person, praise God. i never claimed to be all the way there yet, but hopefully will one day be able to say that i am completely well. From what i understand it can take up to 2 years, so i am quite thrilled with the results i have had. i do not want to wait till i am completely well however to help people, i so much want to tell others what has worked for me. Even if i can only help a few i will be happy, as i know what it feels like to be at a loss and have no one who knows what you are going thru. i am sorry i offended you with the comment about the lemon juice and molasses. however, i did try that and it made my blood
Sugar so crazy that i became more ill. molasses raises blood
Sugar levels. once i stopped it, i felt better. as for the protein diet, it is working for me. that is great that you don't eat meat and it works for you, but for some reason i get sicker if i don't eat meat with my meals, and so now i have to stick to what helps. everyone is different and after reading the low Blood sugar handbook written by Krimmel,who is also hypoglycemic, i realized that meat is important. i realize it does cause an acidic system, but for now it is helping me and that is what counts. i read your advice about not sleeping well is most likely caused by my meat laden diet, but my ND thinks it is due to the fact that my cortisol is very high in the evenings,when it is actually supposed to be at it's lowest. i have had tests that show this and found out it is a common symptom of AF and that is why many of us suffer from insomnia. i will have to disagree with you when you say that protein is the cause of most of my problems due to the fact that i did not eat much protein until after i became ill. it is not what made me ill as i was not consuming it. i am only now eating protein to help solve my blood sugar problems, and once those are balanced, hopefully won't have to eat it with every meal. thankyou for advice however and if any of it was any good i would certainly try it, but unfortunately for me it is not. leslie