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to monica
lusty22 Views: 3,880
Published: 19 y

to monica

was reading some of your posts and read that you are hypoglycemic. so as for the advice of drinking lemon juice and molasses, it's not a good idea. i know this from personal experience as i suffer from AF and LBS, but when i first went to see an ND she told me to drink that as my electrolytes were messed up and so i did. i got worse and worse and did not know why. she also told me to eat fruit, which i also did , and got so sick i could no longer function. my husband had to take over everything, i could no longer drive my daugher to school as the panic and anxiety were so bad. i felt like i was going to jump out of my own skin. this terrible ND never told me that LBS often goes along with AF, and i had no idea until i began researching everything myself. i also read you said magnesium makes you feel anxious. everyone says it is not supposed to and it will calm you, but don't listen. it did the same thing to me, but it is the TYPE of mag you're using. i tried 4 different types and none of them helped me. they all made me sick with anxiety. Sometimes us AF people are very sensitive to certain supplements. finally what i am able to take is good old God made herbs, which have naturally occuring minerals and vitamins. i can take herbs as they are food and i take kelp daily to get my magnesium. also it is loaded with other nutrients and is used to balance glands. it is also safe for pregnant ladies! i can't take multivitamins of any sort, they bother me. i would tell your 700 dollar ND to take a trip. that is wrong. you should not be on so many pills. i will tell you right now, your adrenals can't handle too many different things. you need to get the most from the least. i daily take kelp, coral calcium as its the only calcium i could handle, adrenal glandular, maca root, and b complex. all high quality and pure. that is all i take, and the rest is done by diet. you don't need to worry about yeast if you follow a LBS diet it will take care of itself. but the cranberry juice has got to go. i know the diet is strict,but the results are worth it. i know, because i am getting better. also check for food allergies , that was a large part of my problem. i also don't think the copper thing is a problem, it will correct itself. you will get there if you are careful and work at it. the most important thing to treat is the LBS, as it wreaks such havoc with your body that nothing else can heal. your adrenals will never repair if they are being stressed with uneven blood sugar. cortisol levels and insulin work together, so it is VERY important to be consistent or you will have constant setbacks. good luck, leslie


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