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Re: Easily answered...again!
Atalanta Views: 1,837
Published: 19 y
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Re: Easily answered...again!

Well the difference is Christmas has been around for over 2000 years
Ok so in the year 4000, it'll be ok to celebrate MLK becasue it will be more than 2000 years old? interesting...

and is the Celebration of the Son of God.
But it's not really. It's a time when people put a "holiday tree" in their living room and go Shopping! I donno where you live but it was imposible to drive down the street where I live last month! (And they weren't going to church) The vast majority of people celebrating "Christmas" are just exchanging presents. Shouldn't you protest? Have people who don't really care about Jesus banned from doing that? Isn't that sacreligious?

I think that's far worse than pointing out the very real flaws in society regarding rasism. It's vrey real, eventhough the superhero can't see them. MLK isn't an excuse to put down anywone. It's a time to commemorate what he did for the civil rights movement, and the whole movement itself. MLK would be very unhappy with the very small progres made to intergrate blacks, and it should be talked about. How can you talk about the few who are in college and sucessful when the vast majority are in poverty and crime?
If people didn't talk about it even less would be done.


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