you said "I'm sure you wouldn't believe me if I said I'm not a racist, so I'm not even going to bother. According to you if I say that MLK day shouldn't be a National holiday, then I'm automatically a I guess I'll just leave it at that."
You have no other true reason to deny the King Holiday other then on the basis of the values he stood can't dismiss it based on the acts of others on that day that you dislike. You made if very clear that you don't think that the values of racial equality should be celebrated with this holiday and that is the very definition of embracing a racist philosophy. You say that your comments were directed toward "liberals" but it was not a holiday celebrating liberalism that you were attacking and you know it. You know very well the ideals that this holiday stands for, regardless of how some have attempted to use it for there own gains, but you choose to reject the holiday and the philosophy of equality that it represents. There is no reason to say that you are not a racist because your statements tell the true story. Racism can always be veiled but many can see through to ones true intent. Most racists don't believe they are so, it usually takes others to point it out to them. I'm gald that I could help you see don't have to thank me :)