Everyone ready for Monday?
MLK is a fraud of a holiday that is used as nothing but an opportunity for liberals to paint conservatives as racist and insensitive bigots. How many times are we going to have to hear, “yet…there is much work to be done,” followed by a litany of complaints about the Bush administration and why they are racist.
MLK day is no longer a holiday to celebrate the life of a civil rights leader, it is an opportunity for Jessie Jackson and the latest batch of deamoncrap hopefuls to get face time in front of the TV cameras. The fact is Martin Luther King, Jr. would not recognize the modern civil rights movement and is probably already spinning in his grave...and Al Sharpton and The Sloganmaster don't want race relations in this country to be improved because it would mean they were out of a job (if you can call what they spend their time doing a "job.")
I wonder what MLK would think of blacks like Harry Belafonte belittling the accomplishments of Colin Powell and Condoleeza Rice or blacks who toss Oreo cookies at Michael Steele simply because they've wondered off the Liberal Plantation.
There is no good reason for Monday to be a holiday. Talk about a waste of a perfectly good day.