19 y
Easily answered...again!
You said “Dark, I would like you to tell me exactly which of my sentences is racist...also tell me which one(s) are not true. Also, where EXACTLY did I discredit MLK's accomplishments? I want you to answer these 3 questions....since you levied all of them against me.”
In order to display racism, it is not necessary proclaim that you are one but the attitude can be seen in the fact that you have chosen to show “Discrimination or prejudice based on race” by attempting to degrade the holiday celebrating the life of one of the greatest African-American leaders. You said “There is no good reason for Monday to be a holiday. Talk about a waste of a perfectly good day”, and if that isn’t an attempt discredit the accomplishments of the man then nothing is, especially since I didn’t hear you making the same claims about not celebrating Christmas because some have used it for the wrong reasons but you are very quick to throw out MLK day. That statement that you made is showing “Discrimination or prejudice based on race”, and thus fits your definition of racism. Saying we should take away the holiday is one of the greatest ways to attempt to discredit the man’s accomplishments because you don’t like what it represents and what comes with it. As far as being untrue, pretty much every thing you said is untrue but specifically that the holiday is a “waste of a perfectly good day” …99 percent of African-Americans would say that it is not a waste of a day.
So once again I, very easily, answered all your questions and as for our previous arguments if you look below you will see that you are the one in hole as I answered you yesterday and you have not been able to reply.
Your racist views are now apparent to all and I was not the only one to recognize them, as others commented on them as well but most racists will deny that they are so even when it is placed in front of their faces.