I once upon a time believed Colin Powell would make a great president but he is just a good soldier, following orders. I also believe Colin has sold out his race and betrayed the Constitution he swore to uphold. At one time, I thought he secretly wanted to organize a resistance to the bloody slaughter going on in the Middle East but absolute power corrupts and I believe Colin is corrupted absolutely. I wonder if they have video tapped Colin is some very compromising position and hold it over his head if he balks? Condeleza Rice seems to have bought the whole Zionist notion of murder the blacks in the Middle East before they become too strong to stop. I know how she was trained. I too had that training but an education without a conscious is a dangerous thing. She has morals given to her that appear to be logical but it is a logic with no conscious to know when she is leaving a good moral position grounded in logic to to an amoral postion that justifys murdering millions of innocents and is clearly a betrayal to the very people she must have wanted to protect. I believe China is the real sleeping giant we need to worry about and Condi is chasing down and killing people of her own race because of her brainwasfed education she received abut how the world operates. Is there an MLK today who can talk some sense into her?
MLK is certainly a man who woke up America about its glaring inequalities but Colin & Condi are sending mostly poor white and ethnic soldiers to do the bidding of a murderous killing machine that is out of control. What black leaders do you see that may emerge with a soaring spirit like MLK in the future to lead our nation out of bondage? We, black, white, and brown are bound to one another by our common bond of being American but if we can't as a nation, unite to take back our nation from the usurpers through leadeship from all of our peoples then America might very well fall into same the anarchy that Colin & Condi say they oppose. I hope there is a great awakening soon or racial wars will come to America soon.
In my opinion, this country can no longer go back to pre MLK days and why would it want to but leaders of all races in this nation will have to get beyond one upmanship to take America back from its corporate overlords. I was trained to be an ethical corporate leader through my Jesuit training but I saw just how absolute power has corrupted them. Colin & Condi, Bush & Cheney are so sold out to those powerful corrupted forces that they have betrayed America for a few pieces of silver. I wonder what they have on Bush that keeps him in line? He must know he is selling America to its enemies. How does he sleep at night while the American people are raped by corporate greed?
I hope a new MLK will emerge to lead all races in America out of the bondage of corporate greed. If he is black, brown, yellow, red, or white, I hope he will bring us all to the mountain because the valley of racial divisions are being reawakened by the enemies of America. Divide and conquer and the spoils go to the corporate overlords. Divide Catholic from Jew, Blacks & Hispanics from whites, it is part of the plan to keep us subdued. They really do plan every scenario out with contingenies for every scenario. They use Chaos theory and quantum physics to their own ends. While America squables over who will get a slice of what is left after the corporations take their share of the pie, Americans lose. We need a new MLK. If you are one, step up to the plate. America needs you now more than ever.