Re: The Incurables Program (first go) Days 13 and 14
It seems like you ae really hanging in there and NOT giving up! I am doing the Incurables Program for the first time by myself and caring for my 3 little kids and household and moving to a new home! I can completely relate.
The first 2 rounds of the IP I ahd my mother helping me so I could just focus on healing. I fortunately learned the program realy well, but didn't realize how time consuming it is when you have a life to lead as well.
Of course, the program works best if you do it 100%. I bet you will be able to work yourself up to that. It DOES get easier once it becomes routine.
I get frustrated and then the nextday I will feel good. The next day I feel overwhelmed and then I see is such a day to day journey. There is a scripture I often refer to: .....for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith be content.
To me this means we need to trust this is the place and stage we need to be in. Healing will come and then we truly help others.
Congratulations, you are half way through the first month!