Hmmmm...interesting. I eat a lot of fat actually. Flax oil, olive oil, cod liver oil and avocados and I just ordered some virgin coconut oil from garden of life. I just remembered that I started the Chinese bitters yesterday, could that have something to do with it? I took only 1/2 tsp. like it said to start out with. Did the same today with no reaction at all so I was going to increase it to 1 tsp. tomorrow. I haven't done a Liver Flush in a long time, a couple months. I've done 5 up till this point and was going to continue but I stopped because you advised me to stop flushing and starting rebuilding and using herbs to support the liver. Do you think I should resume flushing then? I think I probably need it. I've got 7.5 years of built up birth control I'm sure amongst other things.