Absolutely it would be a good protocol!
It's my basic protocol for when I'm cleansing. I just make sure to listen to my body and go ahead and eat animal protein when I get that particular feeling of "gotta feed!!! need MEAT!" lol! :) It happens about twice a month on this protocol. Once I even got desperate and went to Wendy's for a hamburger. Sheesh!
I know exactly what you mean by having to have things on hand or it just doesn't work. That's why I limit what I eat to just a small group of things with enough variety worked in so I don't get super tired of any one thing. Like I have a large variety of cereals, not just Quinoa. Quinoa alone doesn't seem to give enough energy, does it? :( You HAVE to add good oils to your protein meals for maximum energy. So next time you eat a bowl of quinoa spike it with olive oil. Protein + oil = energy! :) I also have a brown rice cereal that's really tasty and some multi-grain cereal, all hot cereals and slow cooked for best results. Eat enough and you'll get most of your B vitamins okay. :)
I make huge pots of stew and keep them in jars in my fridge so i can just pop a bowl in the microwave (yes I know the controversy around the MicroW but really you gotta do what you gotta do) at any time.
I cook huge sweet potatoes and save half for later = they keep very well and give great energy. :) Plus my dogs LOVE them LOL!
Keep an eye out for Brown Rice Pasta. It really helps with meal planning!
Just start establishing good habits, one at a time, and next thing you know you'll be the Martha Stewart of healthy eating! :)