Hi I am rh- blood. I have chosen to not take the shot due to the fact that I have battled severe allergies my whole life and finally after a 10 year hollistic path I have overcome many of my problems. I am afraid that the Rhogam can awaken and open pandora's box for me. Two of my cousins that received the shot have permanent food allergies to shellfish. I already have severe food allergies to shellfish before even taking the shot. I also might have the very beginings of autoimmune RA due to some joint symptoms ( although my blood work comes up negative for that). I don't want to screw up my immune system any more than it is. However, I am nervous about the possibility of antibodies occuring after this birth affecting future pregnancy. However, I too read that the risk was lower than they make us believe I think I read about 6%. I wonder what women did before the shot came out. It doesn't seem like this problem ever made front page news but I know the risk is still there and can happen. Well anyway can you pass on any other info you have heard regarding this matter. Also can you explain more clearly the precaution with handling the cord during the birth this way I can tell my midwives. I am 37 weeks so I don't have much time.
Thank you,